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Watch this till the end to learn the EXACT STRATEGY to MILLIONS OF VIEWS organically

This is the ONLY video you need to SCALE YOUR BRAND

 A take from others who were once in your shoes

What Our Students Have Accomplished

Since starting our business, we've grown to become one of the top consultants for higher-level organic TikTok growth. I’m so proud of everybody that has been able to leverage their business through TikTok. All of these clients only needed to work with me for 1-2 weeks to see this growth. Read some of their testimonials below.

Christie / SkinnyHamster

Christie is a talented musician. Her main focus is accurately translating Japanese Songs into English while releasing her own music and building a brand online. She was able to get to 70k followers from 40 followers in her first month working with ESF. 

Neen / BlossumWithNeen

Neen has a passion for psychology. She started her TikTok to help others discover their truth and coach them into their best lives. Shes using her large and evergrowing social media platform to launch her career (even before she graduates college) into the stratosphere.

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Drew / ItsDrewMomeka

Drew started off at the beginning of 2022 with under 2k followers on Instagram. After working with us for a week, he now he has over 250k followers on Instagram, 500k on YouTube, and over 1.2 million on TikTok. He now trains people to reach their maximum fitness levels with his online business. 

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Lauren / Divinely Magnetic

Lauren is a driven spiritual guide. She started her Tiktok account in April of 2022 and now shes at over 88k followers on TikTok with a successful Tarot business online that makes over 20k a month in revenue.

Derek Bnb 

Derek is a level 10 entrepreneur that beings in over 300k in revenue every month from his AirBnB portfolio. He dedicated his TikTok to teaching and educating others about how to start their own rental arbitrage business and scale it to become a reliable passive income source.  he now makes around 30k in sales from his online course. 

Akhtar Khan

Akhtar is the founder and CEO of Reaching Excellence, a property developer and mentor with a background in psychology. Akhtar has a 6.6 million dollar portfolio in 2 years with 2 successful letting agencies. His educational platform is built to inspire and encourage entrepreneurs to uplevel their lives. 

Honorable Mentions

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The Expert Advisor

Elsa DeHerrera has personally mentored over 200 brands and influencers to their success on TikTok. She has over 1 million followers through all of her monetized TikTok accounts combined. 

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